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Animals are regarded as sacred beings in Hindu mythology. Different animals bring different aspects of benefits with them. People from all walks of life believe the tortoise is a god-gifted animal with a long span of life. The Vastu tortoise symbolises long life, stability and wealth. According to Vastu Shastra, placing different types of tortoises made of different materials in appropriate directions can expedite the flow of positive energy. This article discusses the various materials used for tortoises and their colour significance to attract positivity in people’s lives.

Types of Vastu Tortoise for Your Home

Metal Tortoise

According to Vastu Shastra, having a metal tortoise at home will increase longevity of family members and sharpen the kid’s minds and focus in the house. People believe that metal increases the curiosity and concentration in kids and adults. This will instigate curiosity in children and ameliorate their knowledge and learn new things with interest. This benefit could be attained if the metal tortoise is placed in the kid’s room. The metal tortoise must be kept either in the north or northwest directions to maximise its benefits.  

Wooden Tortoise

Wooden tortoises are considered to bring positive energy and happiness. According to Shastra, the wood represents earth signs, promoting stability and balance among family members. Having this inside the house will bring harmony among the family members residing. The position that needs to be followed for a wooden tortoise is at the home entrance or in the living room. This positioning will radiate positivity to everyone who enters the house. The favourable direction to optimise its benefits is the east or southeast direction of the house.

Hematite Tortoise

These types of tortoises are generally kept in the house to maintain the health of family members. If any one of the family members is fighting chronic illness, this tortoise could be the cure. Having a hematite tortoise in the room of an ailing person can help improve his/her health drastically, symbolising hope. This can even be provided as a gift to their recovery process. Sick and suffering from any disease to improve.

Clay Tortoise

When people lose hope in what they do, things fail to go as planned, clay tortoises come in handy. The Vastu posits that this type of tortoise brings stability to the home and decreases the ups and downs in the lives of the people. In addition, it is believed to bring harmony, serenity, wealth and longevity to an individual’s life. This has the aura to bring people out of their messy lives and bring stability to every aspect of their lives. The favourable direction in the house is to keep them in the southwest corner of the house.

Crystal Tortoise

Crystal tortoises represent signs of longevity, protection, and wealth. Generally, they are safe to use as a décor in the home. There is no concern about keeping a crystal tortoise, as they do not involve live animals or ethical problems. According to Vastu Shastra, having crystal tortoises in the north direction will bring fortune. The crystal tortoise falls in the expensive price range. There is a widespread belief that the more you invest to buy the crystal tortoise the more you will get in return. In addition to fame and prosperity, they also indicate survival, helping people to get out of difficult situations in their lives.

Rhinestone tortoise

The rhinestone tortoise is well-known for influencing the financial state of the family members. Placing it in the direction of the north and its head facing inwards towards the house will resolve all financial problems prevailing in the house.  

Yellow colour tortoise

The colour yellow is associated with optimism and happiness. In addition, it is regarded to be the colour of the sun and is considered sacred and spiritual. Having a yellow tortoise in the home can help an individual or family members to meditate and bring calmness.

Blue Tortoise

The colour blue indicates tranquillity and calmness. According to the colour pallet, it is regarded as a cool colour. This characteristic of blue colour helps relax a person’s mind, body and soul. People are encouraged to have blue-coloured tortoises if they want to meditate with calm and spread cool vibes in their homes.

White Tortoise

As per the colour palette, white represents tranquillity and peace. The presence of white tortoises in the home promotes good spiritual vibes. This white tortoise can be in material, be it painted on glass, stone, or marble tortoise. The favourable position to optimise the benefits is the southeast or in the south corner of the house.

Black Tortoise

One may be prejudiced that black colour signifies evil and attracts negativity. However, the Vastu Shastra has a different explanation. It posits that a black tortoise at one’s house will bring prosperity in terms of their business. It is highly recommended for those seeking career growth. The position suggested by the shastra to maximise the benefit is the north direction of the house. The black tortoise is the most popular and easily available in the market.

Green Tortoise

This green-coloured tortoise is recommended for those families in which kids often get distracted. Keeping this tortoise will increase focus and dedication among all the individuals in the family. This acts as a protective force and distances negative energy away from home.

Where Should a Tortoise be Placed at Home?

One may find tortoises made from different materials in the market. However, not all tortoises can bring fortune. Every colour and material of the tortoise emits varying energy. This distinct energy facilitates different purposes of the people. The north centre of the house is governed by Tortoise, along with Lord Kubera. This relationship of the tortoise with Lord Kuber makes it ideal to have in the direction of the north. One can even keep the tortoise in office space to avail of such benefits. Keeping a tortoise in the front of the entryway is also considered auspicious. This wards off negativity from the house. In addition, one can even have holy serpent turtles in the east direction. Having them in the East will help strengthen relationships among the family members. One can keep metal turtles either in the north or the northwest directions. Metal turtles in the north direction are believed to entice good fortune into the children’s lives and help boost concentration. In the Northwest, they help to sharpen minds.

For Wish-Fulfilment

Apart from the many benefits listed above, tortoises can even be used to fulfil one’s wishes. To attain this benefit, one needs to buy a tortoise made of metal that can be opened. Then the person needs to write down the wish on yellow paper, place this inside the tortoise and close it. The tortoise should be placed on a red cloth. Do see it every day. 

For Career Growth

To accomplish career growth, place black-painted metal tortoise in the living room or workspace. This tortoise should have a Chinese coin in its mouth to signify income growth. To make this real, position the statue in a way that faces the main door of the house. Or else, place the black tortoise in the north, near water features for career growth.

For Promote Health

A statue of a turtle can make miracles for those who combat illness in their day-to-day life. This statue should be placed in the best direction calculating the system of numerology based on the birth year and gender. By doing so, any terminal illness can be cured, promoting the health of the inhabitants.  

Benefits of Keeping Tortoise at Home

People practise the tradition of placing tortoises in the house to invite positive energy to the house. It induces good well-being and a long life for the inhabitants. Many prefer to ward off negative energies away from home. This helps in fulfilling one’s wishes and aid in career growth. Having them in the bedroom can even treat people who suffer from insomnia and anxiety. In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu’s second avatar, the Kurma Avatar, was in the form of a tortoise. One must remember that the tortoise should be kept in a bowl, glass bowl or plate. Keeping the tortoise in a bowl filled with water doubles its positive effects. The turtle is viewed to be auspicious and will bring peace, harmony, long life, and cash.


It is always considered to be good to keep certain animal idols in the house. There is no compulsion to follow the above-mentioned facts for all. For intrigued people, it is important to understand where you should place the tortoise according to the principles of Vastu Shastra. Both the placement and the colour of the tortoise are essential to gain the benefits. If you are a non-believer of this, keep a tortoise as a décor in your house and see the magic it spreads in your life. 

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