Whether you are building a new home or renovating your roof designs, understanding the pros and cons of different designs will help you choose the right style. A hip roof is the most popular option because it helps achieve a...
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Water seepage is one of the most common concerns in Indian homes. The structural stability of a house may be jeopardised if water seeps through the slabs, beams, or columns on a regular basis. When water comes in contact with...
Lime plaster has been a primary building material for centuries, serving as a key component in construction from ancient times to the present day. Its flexibility, breathability and sustainability make it a favourite among modern builders and environmentalists. Egyptians, Greeks,...
Since time immemorial, wood or timber has remained an essential natural resource for mankind. It is a widely used material in woodworking and construction because of its natural beauty, versatility and strength. From framing a building to forming beautiful furniture,...
Wood, as a significant natural resource, finds unrivalled versatility in its use in construction. From decking your homes to fencing and woodworking, there’s little that timber can’t do. Timber or wood is one of the oldest and low-tech building materials,...
In today’s world, global warming caused by excess Carbon dioxide emissions is a very concerning problem. The construction industry is one of the biggest contributors to this problem. Green concrete is a new material which can reduce this contribution and...
With increasing restrictions on the construction industry, the transfer of development rights (TDR) plays a decisive role in urban development and conservation. It allows little wriggle room for both property owners and construction planners. The concept of TDR proposes a...
Sloped concrete roofs are usually used in construction for high strength and aesthetic purposes. The surface of this roof is angled, which allows easy runoff of water and snow, hence preventing potential damage to buildings. The slope or pitch of...
Concrete coping is amongst the primary conceptions in construction. This component acts like the top layer of the wall, which brings both functional and aesthetic benefits. Its primary work is to protect the wall from weather elements such as rain,...
In the construction industry, a completion certificate is of significant importance. It is issued upon the successful completion of a project, certifying that the construction complies with all approved building plans and adheres to safety regulations, including shoring requirements, to...