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SOR in Construction

The success of every project lies in effectively managing the funds. We can’t imagine how a project manager or other individuals can efficiently manage the funds in large or small construction projects. Let’s spill the beans. The magic of managing effective finance lies in the Schedule of Rates (SOR). In this article, we will unlock the secrets of SOR in detail, including its significance, preparation process, components, benefits, drawbacks, and applications.

What is SOR in Construction?

The Schedule of Rates is a comprehensive list of organized items and services that might be needed in construction projects, along with their respective unit rates. These rates mentioned in this SOR are standard and serve as a foundation for estimating the project cost, tender, and contract administration. 

They ensure the rates are consistent and transparent in evaluating the prices. It is like a menu in a restaurant that consists of all the items served there. This includes a detailed description and price of each unit of work that has to be undertaken during the construction process.

The following details are contained in the Schedule of Rates (SOR):

  • Detailed description of items or materials that can be used in construction projects.
  • The standard unit of measurement that quantifies each item. (Eg., kilogram, square meter, cubic meter).
  • The cost related to one unit of the described item or service.
  • The specified properties, like the technical standards or quality requirements of each item, can be mentioned in this SOR.

Importance of the Schedule of Rates in Construction

The SOR is a versatile tool that serves multiple purposes in the construction industry, as follows:

  • Estimation of Cost

SOR is a standardised basis for estimating the cost of construction materials and items involved in the project. The total cost is based on the quantity of each item and the corresponding unit rate.

  • Tendering and Bidding

During the tendering process, SOR is used to prepare the bidding price for each item and material. It ensures that all the bidders may use the same bidding price and supports a fair competition price and transparency.

  • Contract Administration

After a project has been awarded, SOR stands as the reference for contractor administration. It helps in defining the variations and payment process and resolving disputes over prices.

  • Budgeting and Financial Planning

The clear visualisation of expected costs in the construction project aids in calculating the budget and financial plan of the project for successful completion. The project owner and managers can effectively allocate resources for the construction work and are also helpful in crafting the contingency cost of the project schedule.

  • Standardisation

The Schedule of Rates (SOR) renders standardisation of prices of various items and materials that can be used across the project. It can also reduce the divergence of prices of various materials and ensure that the cost of the materials is aligned with current market conditions.

How is the Schedule of Rates Prepared?

The baseline for preparing the list of SOR lies in a thorough analysis of the market conditions, construction processes, and material cost. The six steps involved in preparing the schedule of rates are as follows:

  • Understanding the Market

The initial stage of preparing the schedule of rates involves a comprehensive analysis of the tendency of the current market rate of materials or items, labour charges, and charges of equipment rented or purchased for the construction process. You can get the data from various suppliers, subcontractors, and other market participants.

  • Compilation of Items

The list of construction activities, such as purchasing various items or materials and services required for different construction projects, can be compiled. The list should cover all types of items that are required for construction projects.

  • Defining Specifications

The quality, dimensions, and other specific details of each item involved in the construction process are defined. This reflects what is being priced for each item and ensures all the parties involved in the process can understand the items clearly.

  • Calculation of Unit Rates

The crucial factors involved in defining the unit rates of items include the cost of the material, labour rates, equipment to be used in the process, overheads, and profit margin. The rates mentioned in this should be real, which is followed by many suppliers and it also supports current market changes.

  • Review and Approval

Experts can review the draft Schedule of Rates. The reviewing process should be accurate, complete, and compliant with industry standards. 

  • Regular Updates

The calculated SOR is a dynamic process that should be periodically updated based on factors such as market changes, inflation, the arrival of new technologies, new tools, and evolving construction practices.

Components of a Schedule of Rates

A Schedule of Rates involves several components that can be mentioned below as follows:

  1. General Conditions

It comprises applicable rates of the materials, validity, an escalation clause in which labour charges can be adjusted according to market conditions, and other contractual materials.

  1. Cost of the Material

The rate of construction materials such as bricks, cement, steel, and other miscellaneous materials can be included in this section. Depending on the market conditions, location, and quality of materials, it may vary and can be adjusted which can reduce the construction cost

  1. Labour Costs

The working costs of different categories of labourers are included in this phase. They may be masons, electricians, plumbers, engineers, supervisors, etc. The rates included can be accounted for wages, benefits, and other labour-related expenses.

  1. Equipment and Machinery Costs

Based on the project requirements, the company has to purchase or rent heavy equipment that can be used for excavation, concrete mixing, etc. If it is rented, the charge of renting, such as hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly, can be included in this section. The purchase cost is also provided in this phase.

  1. Overheads and Profits

It can also cover administrative costs, safety precautions, and site supervision. The profit margin of the project can be factored into rates and also mentions contractor’s profit margin. 

  1. Miscellaneous items

The miscellaneous items that can be helpful to complete the project, such as scaffolding, shuttering, and temporary structures, can be included in this category.

Benefits of SOR in Construction 

A Schedule of Rates helps to determine the standardised structure of price for the materials, items, and other miscellaneous charges involved in the construction process. It offers many benefits, as discussed below:

  • Compared to fixed-price contracts, variations are more affordable and simpler to estimate.
  • Access to a wider pool of contractors for bidding is made possible by the speedy procedure.
  • Contractual conditions and a flexible scope adjust to the needs of the project.
  • Depending on finance or cash flow, clients may cease and continue activity.
  • Without a completely thorough design, projects can begin early and be completed more quickly.

Drawbacks of SOR

Though SOR offers numerous benefits, it also has some disadvantages that every construction project has to face, which are as follows:

  • Verifying payments and estimating efforts take additional resources.
  • Planning for long-term resources can be challenging, which could result in staff changes and a loss of consistency.
  • Without knowing the whole cost, the client begins work.
  • If future work is uncertain, contractors can be motivated to frontload expenses.
  • Project uncertainties make it difficult to estimate total costs. 

Application of SOR 

Simple Budgeting: Budget planning is made simple by the Schedule of Rates (SOR) predefined rates. By only multiplying fixed rates by the expected quantities, estimators may accurately predict project costs, saving time and minimising errors.

Fair Pricing: By establishing a consistent charge for work items, SOR guarantees consistency in pricing. This lessens the possibility of disagreements and negotiations, creating an equitable atmosphere for both clients and contractors and promoting an emphasis on doing high-quality work quickly.

Simplified Billing: Since all fees are pre-agreed upon prior to work commencing, SOR makes billing simple. This ensures a clear and effective payment procedure by removing drawn-out conversations or disputes during billing.

Document Required for SOR

Tender documents, which include alternatives and quantity-based discounts, will look like a bill of quantities. Important portions could consist of:

  • General conditions.
  • Ways of measurement.
  • Safety rules and a code of conduct.
  • List of approved vendors.
  • Proportional rates and rating criteria.
  • Initial site preparation, testing, and commissioning.
  • Built-up areas and curved work. 


In conclusion, SOR is helpful in many aspects of construction projects, especially in budgeting and financing. It is not only a list of prices but also ensures transparency in budgeting, fairness, and efficiency across the construction process. This analysis helps to complete the project within the timeline, simplifies the billing process, and facilitates smooth communication between the stakeholders. 


1. What is the usage of SOR in the construction industry?

SOR is a document that lists the supplies, labour, and machinery required for a building project. Each item’s unit cost and quantity required to finish the job are listed in the schedule.

2. What does SOR mean in construction?

A Schedule of Rates (SOR) is used to list the items or materials involved in the construction process.

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