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how to check vastu for home entrance

To create a harmonious and balanced life, Vastu principles are applied in building home constructions. As per our Indian architectural and design system, the main doorway of a house is not only an entryway but also a way of fortune and wellness for occupants. Vastu will help you understand the ideal home entrance for providing harmony and well-being in your living space. This article will provide more insights about the directions that suit your successful life.

Ideal Directions for Home Entrance as Per Vastu

Vastu principles are connected to directions, with each direction having its unique energy and influence on different aspects of life, including wealth, health, abundance, happiness, and stability. The below table provides a glance at the auspicious directions for your home entrance.

S.noName of the GodDirections
1.Kubera, the God of FortuneNorth
2.Yama, the God of justice and deathSouth
3.Indra, the Lord of heaven and God of the weather, sky, rain, and stormsEast
4.Varuna, the deity associated with seas, oceans, and rainfallWest
5.Ishana, God of birth, death, resurrection, and timeNortheast(Ishanya)
6.Agni, God of fireSoutheast(Agneya)

North-East Entrance

If the main entrance of your house faces the northeast direction, it is believed to bring good luck to the inhabitants. It can also attract new opportunities and is governed by the god Diti, who is considered very generous. The northeast is also associated with lord Ishana(Shiva), the god of birth, resurrection, and time, and is known as the Ishanya Corner. 

It is believed that family members may lead healthy and happy lives as this direction fills the home with positive energy, promoting productivity. The main entrance can be designed to be larger than any other doors.

East Entrance

Most people prefer to have their home entrance facing east because of the rising sun in that direction. The rising sun is believed to bring positivity and new hope. However, continuous sunlight in the house may increase the heat during the summer.

North Entrance

North-facing entrances are likely to receive the blessings of God Kubera, the god of prosperity and wealth. This direction is aligned with the magnetic energy from the North Pole, and wealth often comes to them in the form of success. 

South-East and South-West Entrance

It is not advisable to build entrances facing the southeast or southwest direction. However, large business owners have built their factories facing south. Despite this, having an entrance facing southeast or southwest is not recommended, as these directions are ruled by the god Rahu and are associated with attracting negative influences. 

These directions may invite negative energies into your home and bring misfortune. However, certain remedies can provide relief if your entrance faces southeast or southwest. Some of them are as follows:

  • To mitigate negative effects, you can place Om symbols, pyramids, or images of gods at the entrance of your house. 
  • Position a mirror at the entrance to avoid negative vibrations. 
  • You can also use hangings, water features, and green plants in the entrance area.

Steps to Check Vastu for Entrance

Some may be confused about checking the Vastu for their new or existing home. Let us explain some methods to determine the direction of Vastu for your dream home.

Determination of Vastu Direction

If you want to check the direction of your home, you can easily do so using Google Maps on your mobile phone. Stand in front of your entrance and open the compass feature, located in the top-right corner of the map. The compass will show the direction you are facing. You can also use a real-time compass to show the accurate direction of your house entrance.

Vastu Tips for Home Entrance

  • Avoid some cacti and other plants in front of the house. But Tulsi is an exceptional case for this.
  • Keep positive images and symbols at the entrance. Decorate your house with pleasant artwork, god images, and natural scenes.
  • Do not place broken mirrors, screeching doors, dripping taps, and untidy windows and doors in the house.
  • Do not place the kitchen adjacent to the bathroom. This is considered unfortunate, as per Vastu.
  • Select a wooden cot instead of another metal cot. Avoid two mattresses for a single bed.
  • Avoid placing mirrors near or in front of the bed. It may imbalance the energy flow in the body.

Common Vastu Do’s and Don’ts for Home Entrance

Here we are going to explore the best practices for improving the home entrance as follows:

S.noDo’s for Home EntranceDon’ts for Home Entrance
1.Make sure not to have your home at a low level, so construct a few steps to your home.Don’t connect the other bedroom doors to the main door entrance.
2.Use high-quality wood for making the main entrance.Avoid facing your entrance to large poles, trees, or wires as directly as it blocks the flow of positive energy into the house.
3.Add a wooden or stone on the doorstep to avoid loss of wealth.Avoid placing the septic tank near your main entrance.
4.Place your name board with attractive designs to bring good luck.Avoid keeping your shoe racks in front of the main entrance.
5.Have a two-sided shutter gate at the entrance of your house.Don’t go for circular or slider-type gates for your entrance.
6.Use good-condition gates for your entrance.Avoid using faded decorations at the entrance.
7.Compared to other doors, the main door should be the largest. You should open it in a clockwise direction.Avoid using violent, sad, or negative images or symbols at the main entrance.
8.Use bright or light colours like blue, grey, green, etc.Avoid black colour as exterior painting.
9.Place a window in front of your main entrance.Don’t place the water tank overhead of the main entrance.
10.Use different locks for different directions. Copper locks, east-facing houseIron locks, west-facing houseBrass locks, south-facing house Avoid constructing the main entrance at an uneven height to the other rooms of the house.


On the whole, integrating Vastu principles increases the energy flow into the house and the overall health of the occupants. The entrance is the ultimate place for flowing positive energies and abundance, ensuring the well-being of the inhabitants. Place all the positive things in the main entrance to nurture the well-being of all the occupants in the house.

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